




Technology and Supply Chain Management

Service Provided:

Financial Model Improvement and Strategy Alignment

Obortech is a pioneering company in the technology and supply chain management sector, leveraging cutting-edge solutions to streamline logistics and enhance efficiency. Despite their innovative approach, Obortech faced challenges with their financial modeling, which hindered their ability to make informed strategic decisions and attract potential investors.

The Challenge

Obortech’s existing financial model had several critical issues:

  1. Inaccuracy: The financial projections were not aligning with actual performance.
  2. Complexity: The model was overly complex, making it difficult for stakeholders to understand and use effectively.
  3. Strategic Misalignment: The financial strategy did not fully support the company’s growth objectives and operational realities.

These issues not only impacted their internal decision-making but also their credibility with investors and partners.

Modo Finance’s Approach

1. Comprehensive Assessment:

  • Conducted a thorough review of Obortech's existing financial model.
  • Identified key areas of inaccuracy and complexity.
  • Engaged with Obortech’s management team to understand their strategic goals and operational needs.

2. Financial Model Improvement:

  • Accuracy Enhancement: Corrected errors in the financial model to ensure that projections aligned with actual performance and realistic assumptions.
  • Simplification: Streamlined the model to make it more user-friendly without compromising on critical details.
  • Scalability: Updated the model to accommodate future growth scenarios, making it adaptable to changing business conditions.

3. Strategic Alignment:

  • Goal Integration: Ensured the financial strategy was directly aligned with Obortech’s long-term goals.
  • Scenario Analysis: Developed multiple scenarios to help the company anticipate potential challenges and opportunities.
  • Performance Metrics: Incorporated key performance indicators (KPIs) that were most relevant to Obortech’s business model.


1. Improved Financial Accuracy:

  • The revised model provided accurate financial projections, reflecting the company’s true performance and potential.

2. Enhanced Decision-Making:

  • Simplified and more understandable model allowed Obortech’s management to make informed and timely decisions.
  • Scenario analysis helped in proactive strategic planning and risk management.

3. Investor Confidence:

  • The improved financial model enhanced credibility with investors, aiding in successful fundraising efforts.
  • Clear alignment of financial strategy with business goals reassured stakeholders of the company’s direction and stability.

4. Operational Efficiency:

  • The integration of relevant KPIs and performance metrics enabled more effective monitoring and management of operations.


By partnering with Modo Finance, Obortech successfully overcame the challenges of their initial financial model. The improvements not only corrected inaccuracies and simplified complexity but also aligned the financial strategy with their business goals. This comprehensive enhancement allowed Obortech to elevate their financial planning, attract investor confidence, and strategically position themselves for future growth.